Eleventh Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held on Friday, August 19, 2016 at 4.00 p.m.

TATA AutoComp GY Batteries is one of the leading organization engaged in the business of manufacturing Lead Acid Batteries believes that global environment conservation is one of the most important management focus area. We shall contribute to achieve sustainable society by implementing Environment Management System so as to minimise the environmental impacts of its products & operations. We shall strive to achieve “ZERO ACCIDENT” culture & sustainable employee health by effectively implementing OHSMS.
Towards this end, TGY is committed to:

  • Establish sound OHSE objectives and targets & a process of reviewing them.
  • Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements.
  • Use of environmentally sustainable technologies & practices for prevention of injury, ill health & pollution.
  • Continual improvement in OHSE performance.
  • Conserve natural resources and energy.
  • Minimize wastage generation by enhancing reduction, recovery & recycling.
  • Promote awareness among employees, suppliers and customers towards OHSE initiatives.
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