A Family of True Heroes

3rd October, 2013 was a day of great pride for Tata Green Batteries as they commenced their All India Channel Partner and Sales Conference for the year 2013, at one of the very best, ‘The Leela’, in Mumbai. The 2 days conference packed an assortment of events, launches and entertainment. The biggest highlight, however, was the unveiling of TGY’s latest initiative to empower their Channel Partners. The campaign called HEROES elevated these Channel Partners to the status of Heroes, whose hardwork and dedication makes Tata Green Batteries, in filmy terms, a Superhit!


The conference started with a welcome note by Mr. Arijit Dutta, CEO of Tata Green Batteries, welcoming the 130 channel partners from all over India and thanking them for their support and loyalty. Mr. Devjeet Majumdar, Marketing Head of TGY and Mr. Hitoshi Inasumi, Director Tata Green Batteries, also came forward to welcome everyone. This was followed by the uncovering of their corporate magazine – Bandhan 2013, which captured glimpses of all the activities and initiatives of TGY in the last year.

The Tata Green team kept all the Channel Partners at the edge of their seats, building great anticipation through very inspiring videos of real life heroes, highlighting their qualities of leadership, perseverance and innovation. This was followed by the much awaited unveiling of ‘HEROES’ and a booming round of applause by the Channel Partners.

Like every hero needs a Team to work with, Support to move ahead, a Family to count on, a Big Banner backing him and Fan base following him, the Tata Green Heroes too have been supported by Bandhan, Auto Expert and Parivar. In addition, Mr. Ghanshyam Malik also revealed, for the first time that Maruti Suzuki India Limited and Toyota Kirloskar Motors Pvt. Ltd. have partnered with Tata Green Batteries. Tata Green Batteries is proud to power Maruti Swift and Toyota Showrooms will allow Tata Green Batteries to put up a stand showcasing their products. This announcement was met with huge cheers from the crowd.


The evening saw a lot of fun and entertainment in the form of dance performances by artists and the Channel Partners alike. The Tata Green team presented their new Solar Batteries, new marketing tools and a very informative AV about their batteries. The most exciting event of the evening was the launch of the book on ‘HEROES’, which included inspiring stories of 25 Channel Partners, who through their grit and determination, took their dealership to new heights of success.

These Heroes were felicitated by the management for their never-say-die spirit. At the end of the day, the Channel Partners were definitely riding high on the appreciation received from Tata Green and were elated knowing that their company is not only looking out for them but has also recognized them as HEROES.
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