2013 ( November )6th Quality Month year

As a continual effort in creating an environment of producing, maintaining and delivering quality, Tata AutoComp GY Batteries continues to celebrate its 6th Quality Month year on year. The prime focus of the month is to educate the employees about importance of quality, with respect to product quality, process quality and quality management systems. To demonstrate this importance, different programs are organized. The entire TGY plant will be involved in different programs like Quality Quiz, Quality Slogan Competition, Kaizen Competition, Presentations on different improvement activities, defect finding competition etc. The involvement of the employees will help them to understand importance of quality and its role in manufacturing of the product. The program will also foster employee engagement and will show that team work will help in improvement if the quality of the product, process and systems.

To begin the celebrations the quality flag was hoisted by our BU head Mr. Arijit Dutta followed by a quality pledge by all employees.
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