
How to stay awake on those long-night motorcycle rides

Bike Battery - September 30, 2024

Night rides are thrilling! No arguments there. However, there’s an annoying hindrance in the way of these after-dark joy rides…Drowsiness. The dangers of drowsiness contribute to several motorcycle accidents. When you are drowsy, you lose focus on the road, eyelids become heavy, disconnected thoughts pop up, and sometimes delusional feelings follow. Riding becomes difficult if you frequently rub your eyes, yawn, or find it hard to keep your head straight.

But that doesn’t mean you have to relinquish the exhilaration of riding through the night and greeting the early-morning orange skies. Here are some effective tips on how to stay awake on the road during long night rides.

  1. Take Power Naps

    One of the most effective ways to stay awake while driving is to take short power naps. Make it a habit to take a 20–30-minute nap before hitting the road. A proper pre-ride nap or mid-ride nap would restore the energy for the journey. If you feel drowsy during the ride, stop your bike at a busy place like the tea stalls, toll plazas, or even just under some bright streetlight. Rest for a while or nap a little, and voila! Let’s resume the ride…

    Be mindful of your rest breaks. A nap that’s too long (over 30 minutes) can lead to sleep inertia, a groggy feeling that could impair your focus. Instead, take short, regular breaks to prevent fatigue from accumulating.

  2. Ride in Packs

    If you wish to take long-distance motorcycle rides, it’s always good to ride in groups at night than riding alone. That way, you can communicate, encourage, and help each other in case of unexpected circumstances. Riding with a partner is also better as you can switch the riding every 2-3 hours.

  3. Fast Doesn’t Beat Sleep

    People tend to speed up to reach earlier and avoid drowsy riding. Going faster seldom helps when you are feeling sleepy. It doesn’t kill the drowsiness, but it might lead to a near-death experience. Instead, focus on staying safe by maintaining a steady speed and pulling over when you feel too tired to continue.

  4. Unfriend Sugar

    Take stops for refreshment. However, drinking ‘sugar-free’ tea or coffee as sugar results in drowsiness. Try alternatives like green tea, which has a more gradual effect, or natural energy drinks that contain herbs such as ginseng or guarana. These alternatives give you a smoother energy boost without the jittery feeling that can come from excessive caffeine consumption.

    Another great option to avoid fugue during long-distance motorcycle rides is to carry energy bars or snacks rich in protein and fiber. These provide long-lasting energy and prevent the sugar crashes that can make you feel sluggish.

  5. Chomp on Some Gum

    Chewing gum is one effective way to stay awake during a long ride. It gives the mouth a little exercise, which prevents yawning and, hence, stops you from dozing off.

  6. Try Wet Cloth Therapy

    Wiping your face and neck with a wet cloth will refresh you instantly. The cool water refreshes your senses, helping you escape any lingering drowsiness during rides. You could also splash cold water on your wrists or the back of your neck—these areas are sensitive to temperature changes and will help wake you up instantly.

  7. Keep Talking

    Have a conversation with your pillion rider/partner on the topics of your interest. Talking helps keep your mind engaged and prevents it from drifting off. If you’re riding solo, consider using a Bluetooth headset to talk to a fellow rider or even listen to a podcast. Just make sure the content is stimulating enough to keep you focused but not so relaxing that it makes you sleepy.

  8. Listen to What You Don’t Like

    Listen to the music which you DON’T like. Your favourite playlist will take you in the happy zone and make you nod off. Instead, play something that keeps you alert—whether it’s talk radio or songs that irritate you just enough to keep you focused.

  9. Stay Light, Stay Hydrated

    Eat lighter meals before leaving for a night ride. Mind the carbohydrate content in your meal, as it will slow your body down. Drink plenty of water, as it will help you dehydrate yourself from exposure to the wind.

  10. Stretch, Don’t Stress

    When you take halts, exercise for 5 minutes. Stretch a little, as prolonged riding puts stress on muscles. Simple stretches like arm circles, leg stretches, and neck rolls can loosen you up and increase blood flow, helping you feel refreshed and ready to continue the ride.

Final Thought: Plan Ahead & Stay Alert

Night rides can be an unforgettable experience if done safely. The key is to prepare yourself mentally and physically before you even hit the road. Take breaks, stay hydrated, eat light, and remember to listen to your body. If you’re feeling too tired to continue, there’s no shame in pulling over and resting. After all, the open road will still be there in the morning.

With these tips, you can safely enjoy the thrill of long-night motorcycle rides without the dangers of drowsiness!

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