How to choose the right car battery? attributes to consider

As the auto batteries market experiences massive influx of brands, choosing the right battery can be confusing. The size, capacity and type of vehicle are basic considerations. Cost is a pivotal factor which heavily influences the decision-making. Most importantly, the choice varies as per the application and operating load.
Maintenance-free batteries are generally preferred over the relatively less expensive, maintenance-requiring, batteries. That’s because they do not require constant electrolyte monitoring unlike maintenance-required car batteries where electrolyte topping may be required.

Consider the technology type that complements your vehicle brand. Different vehicles and driving styles demand appropriate batteries. Determine whether a conventional starting battery will meet your vehicle’s needs, or whether a deep-cycle or AGM battery is required.

Battery group size refers to the battery size that will best fit the physical dimensions, terminal locations and type required for your vehicle make. Some vehicles may accommodate a battery from more than one group size. However it’s crucial to use a battery approved for use in your vehicle. To choose the best suited battery for your vehicle visit

Replace the OE (original equipment) battery, with an equal or more powerful battery in terms of ratings. Lower capacity rating may result in poor performance, shorter life, and cranking power issues at cold temperatures.

Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) defines a battery’s ability to start an engine in cold temperatures. As battery ages, its power deteriorates. If you live in a cold climate or during winters a battery with higher starting power should be asked. If you live in a hot climate, heat results in battery degradation. Here, choose a product that is specially designed for the hot climate.

Reserve Capacity (RC) as the title suggests, is the reserve capacity of a new, fully charged battery to continue to operate essential accessories upon failure of the vehicle’s alternator. It identifies how many minutes the battery can deliver a constant current of 25 amps at standard temperature and voltage. For vehicles with numerous electronic features or plug-in accessories, you should consider a deep-cycle battery or a battery made with advanced technology like AGM.

See for the C20 Capacity. It’s the energy capacity (in ampere-hour Ah) of a battery which it can deliver for 20 continuous hours at standard temperature and voltage. In general, for CCA, RC and C20 ratings, the higher the number, the better.

TATA Green Batteries offer a wide range of innovative world-class batteries for passenger cars, utility vehicles, commercial vehicles, farm equipment and inverters. These maintenance-free batteries are built to deliver highest performance for all kinds of vehicles. Choose the best-suited battery for your vehicle at to ensure a hassle-free drive.


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