Green diwali – now celebrate effortlessly! well…wisely!

This year, (and the years to come) let’s make Diwali a Green Diwali. Let’s make this festive extravaganza more meaningful, delightful and most importantly…bountiful. Let’s not become plunderers of happiness at the cost of environmental degradation. To spend lavishly at festivities is one’s personal choice. However, it is incumbent on each individual to preserve the eco-system. Safeguard our own sustainability. And hence, practicing a few eco-habits or even altering the Diwali shopping list could turn the frivolous activity into futuristic investment. At TATA Green Batteries, we have relentlessly nurtured green practices. Hence, we present you a few tips to celebrate a Green Diwali.

Ditch Lights, Bring Diyas for a Green Diwali
To start with, refrain from electric lights to illuminate your home. And if you must, opt for LED lights which consume almost 80% less energy than the regular ones. But better than this, bring in diyas (earthen lamps) and candles. The flickering diyas will also give you a natural, authentic ambiance.

Green Diwali gets easier with Environment- friendly crackers
There’s a reason why crackers are called ‘fireworks’. Give them a complete miss this time. Environment-friendly crackers like musical five color, low-smoke snake, 3-D rain, etc. are flooding the market. All you have to do is reach out for such sellers. These products are less polluting without compromising on the fun quotient.

Green Diwali…But Colors Are Many! And Natural Too.
For Rangoli, use natural colors made out of spices or other household items. Try these – White (Rice powder), Yellow (Turmeric powder), Indigo (Blue), Green (Cardamom/Fennel powder), Brown (Cloves/Cinnamon powder) and Red (Kumkum). Another method is to mix a little paint with table salt and let it dry overnight. You can use it as a Rangoli without the color even getting off on your hands. That way you can prepare the color of your choice with almost negligible chemical usage.
Charity begins at home. And so does eco-friendly initiative. Paint your home with water-based paints instead of oil paints. Ask for low or Zero-VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) paint. Renowned paint brands like Asian Paints, Berger, Dulux and Nerolac offer such eco-friendly paints in all range of colors. Check them out without fail before deciding on your favorite shade next time.

Favor home-made sweets. Flavor Green Diwali!
There is no end to variety in the ready-made sweets category. However, these tempting sugary delights are ladened with artificial flavors and chemical intensifiers. Further, they are manufactured with little or no concern for nature. Make your own unadulterated sweets using only natural products. Use milk, coconut, jaggery, dry fruits, chickpea flour (besan), etc.

Green Diwali – one step closer to Green Earth
Besides, save paper (and trees) by using earthenware products, colored newspapers for gift wrapping, jute bags…basically any and all ideas that you could invent to support the goal.
Go tech savvy with the cards. The social network is there for a purpose. Tweet, Tag, Ping, or simply message your wishes.

Green Diwali Contest on Facebook or Twitter
Participate in the #MyGreenDiwaliPledge contest on our Facebook Page (Tata Green Battery on Facebook) or on our Twitter handle (@Tatagreenbatery) to further bask in the #GreenDiwali spirit.


Finally…Happy Green Diwali !
There are far better things to do on holidays than spending hours bursting crackers or drinking and partying. Donate, play, cook and spend some quality time with your dear ones. With these go-green-easy tips, we wish everyone a very Happy Green Diwali!


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